In collaboration with Resolutions Therapy & Wellness Center
Welcome to FEARLESSFLAME EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP, a bold, innovative and interactive motivational program, custom designed to light a fire within to drive extraordinary personal development and business performance opportunities for our clients.
Our dynamic workshops leverage bonding experiences to inspire open communication, enhance leadership skills and help corporate teams at every level, to achieve personal goals, peak performance and productivity both personally and professionally through life and beyond.
Each workshop is individually tailored to provide our clients with innovative and creative tools, techniques, activities and support to overcome obstacles, find their power and achieve their personal and business goals in a positive, inspirational and interactive environment.
If you are interested in a personal or corporate workshop contact 514-953-8287
In collaboration with Resolutions Therapy & Wellness Center
Own your story, Own your power!
Every good story has a hero and in your life’s story, the hero is YOU! In this lesson, we take a deep dive into the time tested narrative of the hero’s journey. This is, in it’s essence the story of all humanity and the framework for healing beyond our wounds and owning our power to create a healthier body and a better life.
The single most powerful technology available to you. . . Your Breath! As you muster the courage to challenge your self-limiting stories and patterns of behavior, this will be a trust- worthy tool. This lesson includes an additional guided tutorial on one of the most powerful ancient breathing techniques ever discovered.
It is time start on the adventure. Energy centers or (chakras) you will be guided to understand how limiting beliefs about safety and security create havoc in your body and dysfunction in your relationships. You will also be introduced to fractal geometry technology and guided energy transmission to support the healing of your first energy center.
Recognize how healthy relationships “make” you and unhealthy relationships “break” you. The most important relationship that requires healing is the one you have with yourself. Week four you begin learning the science behind self-compassion and practicing a powerful tool to create new neural pathways. You will also learn about the second energy center or (chakra).
Lesson five is all about the power of your choices to recognize that it is your birth right to inhabit your authentic place in the world. You will learn more about neuroplasticity and how this amazing human ability is the key to healing beyond survival adaptation patterns. You will also learn about the third energy center or (chakra).
This lesson is about the power of your heart. From both the spiritual and the material perspective, the power of the heart cannot be denied. You will learn about the fourth energy center or (chakra) and have a fourth fractal geometry energy transmission to support you in clearing and healing this energy center.
This lesson is all about the fifth energy center and the power of your words. Understanding how your words determine whether you experience health or illness is one of the most important lessons on your journey. You will also learn about the fifth energy center or (chakra) and have a fractal geometry energy transmission that will support you in clearing and healing this energy center.
In this final lesson you will reflect on your hero’s journey. You will observe how you have integrated all of the tools and how the energy transmissions have supported the clearing of survival adaptation patterns that have kept you from experiencing the power and vitality that is your birthright. You will begin to embody the truth that YOU are the hero of your story!
If you are interested in a Hero’s Journey Workshop contact 514-953-8287
At Resolutions Therapy & Wellness Center “OUR MISSION” is about the whole body experience and our programs have been developed to cover our 3 pillars of Health & Wellness – the “ MIND – BODY – SPIRIT”!
Laughter Therapy Sessions empower our participants to laugh for no reason at all and still reap all the science backed benefits.
PubMed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Article:
“Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter in Mental Health: A Theoretical Review
Neurotransmitters in the brain, such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, are reduced, when there are feelings of depression and anxiety therefore the mood & behaviour circuit in the brain are affected.
So why do we want to LAUGH? Laughter can alter dopamine and serotonin activity. Furthermore, endorphins secreted by laughter can help when people are uncomfortable or in a depressed mood. Laughter therapy is a non-invasive and non-pharmacological alternative treatment for stress and depression, representative cases that have a negative influence on mental health. In conclusion, laughter therapy is effective and scientifically supported as a single or adjuvant therapy.
- Eases anxiety, managing stress, enhancing “feel good hormones”, a.k.a endorphins
- Increases focus and energy levels, and encouraging positivity and optimism.
- A good belly laugh positively impacts our overall mental, physical, and emotional health.
Our trained certified laughter leaders, Denise Diamantopoulos & Effie Koufalis will guide you through laughter exercises a.k.a. “laughtersizes” in a dynamic, safe, and non-judgemental setting.
What begins as “forced & fake laughter” quickly transforms into genuine chuckles and giggles and even ends in some wonderful ab workouts.
As a reminder we learn to laugh even at the most difficult time to release the benefits of this playful and mind easing modality.
Denise Diamantopoulos & Effie Koufalis
Certified Laughter Leaders
Six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day.
Adults only laugh 15-100 times a day.
Be six again!
For more information or to find out about our next Laughter Workshop contact 514-953-8287